



MPA-7K01 board has been designed for DSP, co trolling & Synchronizations applications purposes (such as Me ical, Space, IT and Tele-Communication industries). It consists of a powerful Kintex-7 family FPGA, four high speed 8 channels ADC convertors, one powerful DDS, one high speed 2 channels DAC convertor and a low speed DAC convertor. Existing analog to digital convertors (and vice versa), make this board appropriate for data acquisition applications and various digital/analog modulated signal generators. Besides them, PCI Express data bus and high speed GTX interfaces have made a strong connection with external devices.

Additional information


Xilinx FPGA Kintex (XC7K410T-2FFG900I)


128Mb Configuration BPI Flash 1Mb EEPROM

Data Convertor

AD9257 (8 Channels 14Bits 65MSps ADC) x 4 AD9910 (1GS/s DDS) x 1 AD9788 (2 Channels 16Bits 800MSPS DAC) x1 LTC1668 (16 Bits Low Speed DAC) x 1

High Speed Data Interface

PCI Express Gen-2 x 4 GTX ~ 8

Low Speed Data Interface

JTAG SMT3: 30Mbps GPIO: LVDS x 20


Supply Voltage: 5V Operating Temperature: -40 -> +80 Board Dimensions: 285mm x 126mm

IP Cores

Clocking ADC/DAC Driver PCIe DMA DDS Driver


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